
Ecobrick presentation

Classes were taught at Emiliano Zapata Elementary School on the importance of recycling PET and other inorganic wastes, as well as the use of this technique as an alternative for ecological and economic construction.

We collaborated with educational institutions in coastal towns to carry out the construction of benches and other elements with ecobricks made from PET bottles filled with other inorganic waste for school facilities.

First Ecobrick collection contest

Informational posters were posted at grocery stores and community hangouts with helpful information on how to make eco bricks at home. Pantry vouchers were proposed as incentives, due to the crisis caused by Covid -19. After a month, three collections were organized in the communities with the largest number of participants: Francisco Villa, Miguel Hidalgo Viejo and San Mateo. A total of 1,672 eco-bricks were collected, equivalent to 10,032 m2 of garbage collected. 167,200 pesos were donated in grocery vouchers.

Reconstruction of the “Escuela Primaria Libertad” in the community of Arroyo Seco

In collaboration with Cemex, and within the framework of its “Construyendo contigo” initiative, we have rehabilitated the professors’ house and carried out activities such as waterproofing the classrooms, installing storm drains, building a perimeter wall, installing playgrounds, and improving the civic plaza, accompanied by community workshops.

Ecobrick Collection

Ecobrick construction contest

We asked families of the local communities to participate in our eco brick construction contest, and build something using recycled materials and eco bricks. The price was a full day of adventure aquatic experiences

Ecobrick Bus Stops

2020 - 2022

With the help of donors and volunteers, we built 6 bus stops in five towns of the Costa Alegre, using 1,800 eco bricks and recycling 5,400 sq m. of trash

In commemoration of Earth Day, Arroyo Seco´s elementary school students helped us clean “Playa Chica” and separate residuals found. The kids enjoyed free surf lessons afterwards.